As students go back to school this fall, there are some things every driver in Oregon should know. School speed zones are strictly enforced because a speed of 20 mph saves lives.
You should also be aware that School Speed zones have three different designations in Oregon. (See accompanying photo)
Perhaps the least understood of the signs is the one that establishes a 20 mph speed limit “when children are present.” This means that if you see children walking along sidewalks and near crosswalks, or if there is a crossing guard present, you must reduce your speed to 20 mph
The easiest to notice for motorists, is the sign with flashing lights that indicate the speed of 20 mph is in effect.
The third school speed zone designation states the speed limit is 20 on school days from 7 am to 5pm. If you aren’t sure if school is in session, slow down! A ticket in a school zone is quite expensive.