1. Clear and Shared Focus
Everybody knows what they want to accomplish and why. The vision is shared and everyone is involved. The vision is developed from common beliefs and values, creating a consistent focus for preparing young drivers.
2. High Standards and Expectations
Teachers and staff believe that all students can learn and that they can teach every student. There is recognition of barriers for some students to overcome, but the barriers are not insurmountable. Students become engaged in an ambitious and rigorous course of study.
3. Effective School Leadership
Effective leadership is required to implement change processes within the driver and traffic safety education program. Effective leaders advocate, nurture, and sustain a culture and instructional program conducive to student learning and staff professional growth.
4. Supportive Learning Environment
The school has a safe, civil, healthy and intellectually stimulating learning environment. Students feel respected and connected with the staff, and are engaged in learning. Instruction is personalized and small learning environments increase student contact with teachers.
5. High Level of Community and Parent Involvement
There is a sense that all stakeholders have a responsibility to educate students, not just the teachers and staff in schools. Parents, as well as businesses, social service agencies, and community colleges/universities all play a vital role in this effort of preparing new drivers.
6. High Levels of Collaboration and Communication
There is constant collaboration and communication between and among teachers. Everybody is involved and connected, including parents and members of the community, to solve problems and create solutions.
7. Frequent Monitoring of Teaching and Learning
Teaching and Learning are continually adjusted based on frequent monitoring of student progress and needs. A variety of assessment procedures are used. The results of the assessment are used to improve student driving performances and also to improve the instructional program.
8. Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment Aligned with Standards
Curriculum is aligned with ADTSEA and the National Institute for Driver Behavior Risk Prevention Driving Standards. Research-based materials and teaching and learning strategies are implemented. There is a clear understanding of the assessment system, what is measured in various assessments and how it is measured.
9. Focused Professional Development
Professional development for all educators is aligned with the schools and district’s common focus, objectives, and high expectations. It is ongoing and based on high need areas.